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Friday 10 May 2024

Rose Lassi


           A great way to beat the summer heat is to prepare this yummy salty Rose Lassi with some fresh rose petals and enjoy it. I have used rose water, saffron and cardamom powder to flavour the drink. Be sure to prepare in large quantities and keep them refrigerated. It can be had in between meals also. 

            So whip up this amazing chilled Lassi and serve them in individual glasses, garnished with mixed nuts, saffron and rose petals. Go ahead and give it a try by checking out the step by step pictorial recipe to prepare this soothing and refreshing drink.


            This Lassi is just perfect during summer to beat the scorching heat. I have not added any sugar as it is a salty version. You may add if you wish. I flavored it with cardamom powder, saffron and rose water. You may try with gulkand, rose syrup or any other flavour of your choice. Serve it chilled or with some ice cubes for a refreshing experience.

               So a great combination of some fresh rose petals and yoghurt makes for this yummy lassi. Apart from the garnishes I have used, you can add any of your choice and you are ready to savour it. 

  • 1 cup yoghurt
  • 1/3 cup water
  • pinch of salt
  • 5-6 fresh rose petals
  • 1/2 tsp. rose water
  • pinch of cardamom powder
  • pinch of saffron
  • 1 tsp. chopped mixed nuts

           Blend together yoghurt, water, rose petals, pinch of salt, cardamom powder, saffron and rose water to a smooth puree. 

            Pour into individual glasses and refrigerate for a minimum of an hour. Serve chilled, garnished with mixed nuts, saffron and rose petals. 

                         Blend yoghurt, rose petals, pinch of salt, cardamom powder, saffron, 

                                  water and rose water to a smooth puree. 

                        Pour into individual glasses & refrigerate for a minimum of an hour. 

                            Serve chilled, garnished with mixed nuts, saffron and rose petals. 

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