Monday 1 April 2024

Lau Pata Bata / Bhorta (Bottle Gourd Leaves Chutney / Bharta - Bong style)


              Lau Pata Bata is a traditional Bengali homemade style chutney that has its roots in the very heart and soul of Bengali cuisine. In fact, it has been an integral part of Bengali cuisine for generations. Less common these days, it is mostly sourced only in the interiors of West Bengal and Bangladesh. 

          This is a dish indigenous to Bengal, the recipe of which is slowly fading away from cookbooks. This particular dish is made out of Bottle Gourd Leaves. They contain the most nutrients and it tastes simply yummy. So time to try out this rustic, village style regional delicacy  that is bursting with flavors by checking out the step by step pictorial recipe to prepare it. 


            You must have noticed bottle gourd creepers growing around everywhere. Just try making a chutney out of few tender leaves, garlic and green chilies along with a tempering of nigella seeds in mustard oil. It taste just awesome.   

            It is a grandmothers recipe and almost a forgotten one. This is in no way a restaurant style dish. One does not get to see such homemade recipes these days, unless you have an elderly person in your midst. This amazing side dish is best relished with hot steamed rice and a drizzle of some raw mustard oil.

  • 10-12 tender Bottle Gourd Leaves, washed, drained & chopped
  • 4-5 garlic cloves, sliced
  • 1-2 green chilies
  • 2 tbsp. mustard oil
  • 1/2 tsp. nigella seeds
  • salt to taste
  • 1/4 tsp. turmeric powder
  • 1 tsp. raw mustard oil to garnish

              Blend the leaves, garlic and green chilies to a fine paste by adding some water in a mixer grinder. However, It gives a good texture if you are using a grinding stone. 

              Heat oil in a pan and temper with nigella seeds. Sauté for a few seconds and add the paste, salt and turmeric powder. 

              Fry on a low flame till all the moisture has evaporated and the paste starts to leave the sides of the pan. Switch off the flame.

              Drizzle some raw mustard oil to the end product and serve with hot steamed rice and enjoy this simple delicacy.

                         Heat oil & temper with nigella seeds. Sauté for a few seconds & add 
                         the paste, salt and turmeric powder. 

                       Fry on a low flame till all the moisture has evaporated & the paste starts 
                       to leave the sides of the pan. 

                       Drizzle some raw mustard oil to the end product & serve with hot steamed 
                       rice and enjoy this simple delicacy.

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