Monday 5 February 2024

Methi Begun (Fenugreek Leaves with Eggplants - Bong Style)


          This is a typical Bengali style preparation of fenugreek leaves stir fried with eggplants. It is cooked dry and is generally relished with hot steamed rice. The tempering is kept simple - just nigella seeds and green chilies. The addition of some bori / vadi / dried lentil dumplings gives a nice crunch to the end product. So check out the step by step pictorial recipe to prepare this delicacy.

  • 2-3 bunches methi leaves, washed & chopped
  • 3-4 long eggplants, chopped
  • 2-3 tbsp. mustard oil
  • 1 tsp. nigella seeds
  • 2 dry red chilies
  • 2-3 green chilies, slit
  • 1 tbsp. garlic, chopped
  • 12-15 bori (mangodi / vadi)
  • salt to taste
  • 1/2 tsp. turmeric powder

           Heat oil in a pan and fry the bori till golden brown in colour. When cool, crush them coarsely and keep aside. 

          Temper the same oil with dry red chilies and nigella seeds. Sauté for  a few seconds.

          Then add the chopped garlic and green chilies. Sauté till light brown. Now add the eggplants and turmeric powder. Stir fry till light brown. 

          Add the chopped methi leaves and cook for 2-3 minutes till the leaves are wilted. Then add salt and continue to stir fry till the moisture evaporates. 

          When done, switch off the flame and add the crushed bori. Give it a stir and serve with steamed rice or chapattis.

                                  The chopped greens. 

                  Heat oil and fry the bori till golden brown in colour. When cool, crush them 
                  coarsely and keep aside. 

                                 Temper the same oil with dry red chilies & nigella seeds. 

                            Then add the chopped garlic & green chilies. Sauté till light brown. 

                        Now add the eggplants & turmeric powder. Stir fry till light brown. 

                              Add the greens & cook for 2-3 minutes till the leaves are wilted. 

                             Then add salt & continue to stir fry till the moisture evaporates. 

When done, switch off the flame and add the crushed bori. 

                                  Serve with steamed rice or chapattis.

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