Tuesday 8 August 2023

Rui Macher Bhorta (Fish Bharta / Mashed Rohu Fish Curry)


          Bharta / Bhorta or mashed curry, be they of any veggie, lentil, fish, chicken or egg is very popular, particularly in Bangladesh and in West Bengal too. This is a great comfort food and goes best with hot steamed rice and with a drizzle of some raw mustard oil. The end product is just so divine and yummy. You may also relish it as a side dish with chapatti. 

          So check out this Rohu Fish Bhorta recipe that is so simple and takes very little time to dish out. It is a very easy recipe as very few ingredients are required to prepare it. This traditional dish is almost a lost recipe now and can be found in only few Bengali homes. Do give it a try by following a step by step pictorial recipe to prepare this amazing classic dish.

          In this recipe, fried fish is deboned and mashed along with sautéed dry red chilies, onion and garlic. This is then mixed along with salt to taste, mustard oil and chopped coriander leaves. Apart from Rohu fish, any other fish of your choice can be used. So when time is a constraint, this dish is the best option.

          However, there is another variation where the de boned and mashed fried fish is mixed with sliced raw onion, chopped green chilies, coriander leaves and mustard oil. Sometimes tomato, lime juice or / and kasundi are also used. Both ways it tastes just divine and is served with hot steamed rice. My choice would be the latter one.

  • 4-5 Rohu fish pieces
  • pinch of salt & turmeric powder
  • 3 tbsp. + 1 tbsp. mustard oil
  • 3 dry red chilies
  • 1 tbsp. garlic, chopped
  • 1 onion, sliced
  • salt to taste
  • 2-3 tbsp. coriander leaves, chopped
  • 1 green chili to garnish (opt)

          Marinate the fish with a pinch of salt and turmeric powder for 5-10 minutes. 

          Heat oil in a kadai / pan and fry the fish till golden. Keep aside to cool. Then debone them and mash well. keep aside. 

          In the same oil, fry the dry red chilies, garlic and onion separately. 

          Mix together the deboned fish, fried onion, garlic, dry red chilies, salt to taste, chopped coriander leaves and mustard oil. 

          Serve with hot steamed rice with a drizzle of remaining mustard oil for a great comfort meal. It tastes divine. 

                   Marinate the fish with a pinch of salt & turmeric powder for 5-10 minutes. 

     Heat oil & fry the fish till golden. 

                             Keep aside to cool. Then debone them and mash well. keep aside. 

                                    In the same oil, fry the dry red chilies, 


                                    and onion separately. 

                      Mix together the deboned fish, fried onion, garlic, dry red chilies, salt to
                      taste, chopped coriander leaves ....

                                  and mustard oil. 

                                   Form into round balls if preferred. 

                       Serve with hot steamed rice with a drizzle of the remaining mustard oil.

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