Sunday 2 July 2023

Foxtail Millet Dosa


           Millets in general are very popular these days. So start your day with some yummy Foxtail Millet Dosa, accompanied with coconut chutney and sambar. This wonder grain is both diabetic and heart friendly. It is a great substitute to rice and has a lot of health benefits and antioxidants. So do try this amazing and wholesome millet dosa and introduce something new to your family and dear ones.


          You can either ferment the batter or make it instantly. Both ways they come out really well. Add water accordingly to the batter to make the consistency of your preference. Enjoy them for breakfast, brunch, evening snack or pack as a lunch box meal. Choice is yours. 

  • 1 cup foxtail millet
  • 1/2 cup urad dal (split black gram)
  • 1/2 tsp. fenugreek seeds 
  • 2 green chilies
  • 1" ginger, roughly chopped
  • oil for shallow frying
  • coconut chutney & sambar to serve

         Soak the millets, dal and fenugreek seeds in sufficient water overnight. Grind along with green chilies, ginger and salt into a smooth paste. The batter should be of pouring consistency.

        To make the dosa, heat a tawa / griddle. Drizzle 1/2 tsp. oil and spread around. Sprinkle some water. After it sizzles off, wipe dry with a tissue paper. This ensures a non-stick coating.

          Pour a ladle of the batter and spread in a circular motion with the back of the ladle. Drizzle some oil around the edges and over it. Fry on a low flame till one side turns light brown.

          Flip it over and cook the other side too. Make similar dosas with the remaining batter. Each time you make a dosa, rub a cut onion on the tawa for easy removal of the dosa. Serve them hot with sambar and coconut chutney.

                      Pour a ladle of the batter & spread in a circular motion with the back of 
                      the ladle. Drizzle some oil around the edges & over it. Fry on a low flame
                      till one side turns light brown.

                                  Flip it over & cook the other side too. 

                                 Serve them hot with sambar and coconut chutney.

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