Thursday 3 November 2022

Rajma & Chana Salad with Avocado (Kidney Beans & Chick Peas)


          Rajma (kidney Beans) has a lot of health benefits as it contains dietary fiber, reduces cholesterol and is good for diabetics. It is also a powerhouse of proteins, boosts energy and prevents constipation. Chickpeas, too, reduces cholesterol, prevents diabetes, aids in weight loss and is a good source of iron. Lastly, avocados helps in digestion, protects against cancer and is rich in nutrients. 

          So the combination of these three super foods in a salad form is good for our health. This wonderful salad is a quick fix for a lazy and late dinner. It is also a one-pot meal. Loaded with proteins, iron and fiber, it is a healthy substitute to any fried snacks. It can pep up your life a give you a feeling of lightness, thus satiating your appetite. Enjoy a bowl of this yummy salad with the dressing which will add a punch to your dish. 

  • 1/2 cup rajma (red kidney beans), soaked overnight
  • 1/2 cup black chana (chickpeas), soaked overnight
  • 1 avocado, sliced
  • 1 cucumber, sliced
  • 1 tbsp. coriander leaves, chopped
  • salt to taste
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 tsp. lemon juice
  • 1 tsp. mustard sauce
  • 1/4 tsp. pepper powder

          Pressure cook the rajma with enough water for 10-12 minutes on low flame after the first whistle.

          Drain and keep aside. Similarly, pressure cook the chana too in enough water for 6 whistles. Drain and keep aside.

          For the dressing, mix together the olive oil, lemon juice, mustard paste, salt and pepper powder.

          To serve, combine together the boiled rajma, chana, avocado, cucumber and coriander leaves. Pour the dressing over it and toss well. Serve as it is or with some garlic bread / soup.


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