Saturday 4 September 2021

Mexican Salsa


          Try out this classic Mexican Salsa that is so easy to prepare. Very few ingredients goes into making this comforting delight. It goes absolutely well with nachos, tortilla chips, tacos, quesadillas, croutons, crudités or toasted pita bread. So plenty of choice. It is a great party recipe that can be whipped up in a jiffy. So check out the step by step pictorial recipe to prepare this light and healthy snack,

         'Salsa' in Spanish means 'Sauce' and sometimes it is also called 'Salsa Fresca' meaning Fresh Salsa. 

          There are two ways one can dish out this salsa, either by roasting and pounding the ingredients or by a simple chopping & pulsing method. Both ways it tastes awesome. 

          If Jalapenos are unavailable, then normal chilies, capsicum, chili peppers or store bought bottled ones can also be used. I used the latter as I could not lay my hands on fresh ones. 

          At times this salsa serves as a light dinner for me along with Khubz bread that are cut into triangular shapes and toasted in olive oil. It is just pure divine and so comforting. So absolutely hassle free. 

  • 3-4 tomatoes
  • 1 small onion
  • 1-2 jalapenos 
  • 3-4 garlic cloves, grated
  • handful of coriander leaves, chopped
  • 1 tsp. lime juice
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil 
  • 1/4 tsp. oregano
  • Pinch of salt, pepper & cumin powder

          Chop the tomatoes, onion and the jalapenos and then throw them along with the garlic and coriander leaves in a food processor / mixer blender. 

          Pulse only a few times. Do not puree it. It should be finely diced. Voila, your Mexican Salsa is ready.

          Transfer to a serving bowl and add all the dry seasonings, olive oil and lime juice. Give it a stir and let it sit for a while for all the flavors to come together. 

          Then enjoy it chilled or at room temperature with nachos, tortilla chips, croutons, toasted pita bread or crudités. 

          You can also store in a bottle or any air-tight container and refrigerate for later use. 

                                 Everything is chopped.

                                  Put in the food processor and pulse few times. 

                                 Transfer to a big bowl.

                                  Add all the dry seasonings.

                                  Add the olive oil.

                                  Add some lime juice. 

                    You can store in a bottle or any air-tight container & refrigerate for later use. 

                    Enjoy it chilled or at room temperature with nachos, tortilla chips, croutons, 

                    toasted pita bread or crudités. 

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