Monday 9 August 2021

Paat Shaak / Shaag Bhaja (Jute Leaves Stir Fry - Bong style)


          Paat Shaag / Shaak literally translates to Jute Leaves and is commonly found and relished in West Bengal and Bangladesh. The leaves are slightly slimy in texture and only the tender ones are used for cooking. It turns out very yummy and is best relished with hot steamed rice. If you happen to come across these jute greens, do give it a try. So check out the step by step pictorial recipe to prepare it. 

          The greens are cooked in many ways. At times it is cooked on its own or with veggies like potato, red pumpkin or eggplant. 

         It is usually found during summer & monsoon. I have heard a lot about this particular green leafy veggie, but so far was not able to lay my hands on them. However, few days ago I was able to spot them in a supermarket here and so decided to give it a try. 

        This is quite a rare dish, usually not served in any restaurants. The new generation is not much aware of this cuisine and it remains a purely homemade delicacy usually cooked by our mothers and grandmothers.

  • 3-4 cups of Paat Shaak / Shaag (Jute Leaves), washed, rinsed & drained
  • 3 tbsp. mustard oil
  • 4-5 bori (dried lentil dumplings)
  • 3-4 dry red chilies
  • 1 tsp. nigella seed
  • 4-5 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 1 onion, sliced
  • 1/2 tsp. turmeric powder
  • salt to taste 

          Chop the greens finely and keep aside. Heat oil in a pan and fry the bori till golden in colour. Drain and keep aside. 

          Temper the same oil with dry red chilies and nigella seeds. Sauté for a few seconds. 

          Then add the garlic and sauté till it changes colour. Now add the onion and stir fry till light brown. 

          Add the chopped greens, salt and turmeric powder. Mix everything well and stir fry on a low flame till it is done. 

          Switch off the flame and transfer to a serving dish. Enjoy with rice or chapatti. It goes best with hot steamed rice. 

                                    Pick only the tender leaves.

                    Heat oil in a pan & fry the bori till golden in colour. Drain & keep aside. 

                   Temper same oil with dry red chilies & nigella seeds. Sauté few seconds. 

                                  Add the garlic & sauté till it changes colour. 

                                  Now add the onion and stir fry till light brown. 

                                  Add the greens, salt & turmeric powder. 

                                Mix everything well and stir fry on a low flame till it is done. 

                                Enjoy with rice or chapatti. It goes best with hot steamed rice. 

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