Tuesday 27 July 2021

Spinach & Saffron Swirl Idli


            Idlis are a great healthy breakfast option. This traditional South Indian breakfast is anytime welcome with some coconut chutney and sambar. Now how about turning them into something interesting and appealing? Then try out these yummy spinach & saffron swirl idlis for some visual treat and to make them more appetizing. So time to surprise your loved ones with these amazing Idlis. 

  • 3 cups idli batter 
  • 1-2 tsp. spinach puree
  • few strands of saffron soaked in 2-3 tbsp. water
  • oil to grease the moulds

          Divide the batter into 3 bowls. Add the spinach puree in one bowl, the saffron water in another and let the third bowl remain white. Grease the idli moulds.

         Spoon a tbsp. each of the white batter first, then spoon some green batter over it, followed by the saffron batter. Continue to do so, alternately spooning the batter.

         Steam in a pressure cooker (without the vent) or steamer for 15-20 minutes or till done. Serve with coconut chutney and sambar.   

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