Saturday 24 April 2021

Cabbage Kheer / Payasam / Pudding


            Kheer / Payasam needs no intro. It is very popular during Indian festivals or any auspicious occasions. Traditionally, kheer is made of rice, vermicelli, sago, etc. However, do try this exotic cabbage kheer and surprise everyone. It may sound strange though, but it simply tastes yummy. It is very difficult to guess the core ingredient. 

          The recipe calls for very few ingredients and is prepared just like any homemade kheer, except for the fact that the cabbage has to be boiled and drained well before use. Garnish with chopped pistachios, dry rose petals and few saffron strands and serve chilled. So go ahead and  play the guessing game with your family and friends? Good luck !!

  • 500 ml. full cream milk
  • 1 cup cabbage, grated / finely sliced 
  • 1 tbsp. ghee 
  • 4 tbsp. brown sugar or to taste
  • 1/2 tsp. cardamom powder
  • 1 tsp. rose water
  • 2-3 tbsp. chopped pistachios
  • pinch of dry rose petals 
  • few strands of saffron

            Boil the cabbage in sufficient water for 4-5 minutes. Drain well and keep aside. 

           Heat ghee in a pan and sauté the cabbage for a 1-2 minutes. Do not brown them. Keep aside. 

          Bring the milk to a boil in a pan. Add the sautéed cabbage and simmer on a low flame for 15-20 minutes, stirring at intervals.

          Then add the sugar and the chopped pistachios (reserve some for garnishing). Simmer further for 5 minutes or till it comes to a desired consistency. 

          Add the rose water and the cardamom powder. Give it a stir and switch off the flame.

         Cover and keep aside to cool. Refrigerate till serving time. Garnish with the remaining pistachios, dry rose petals and saffron. Serve chilled.

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