Thursday 25 March 2021

Chocolate Oats Kheer / Payasam / Pudding


          This is an absolutely amazing and a simple oats kheer / payasam / pudding. I gave a twist to it by adding some leftover grated dark chocolate for a nice chocolaty flavored dessert. It turned out real yummy and this combination resulted in a thick creamy dessert. So do give it a try and surprise your loved ones. You can enjoy it just as it is, as an after meal dessert or with poori / paratha for breakfast. 

           This recipe is a great way to turn your regular oats into a delectable flavored dessert. Garnish with chopped pistachios, dry rose petals and saffron and serve them chilled in individual bowls. So time to indulge in this easy to make chilled delicacy. Enjoy !!!!

         Oats are generally nutritious, wholesome and low in cholesterol. It contains fiber and is rich in antioxidants. Hence, it is advisable to include it in our daily diet. Apart from having it for breakfast, you can turn them into delectable desserts. 

         So oats based kheer / pudding being my favorite, I keep experimenting. It is not only healthy but is a real comfort dessert for me. I like to indulge in it after every meal, especially after lunch. So tried this yummy kheer made of oats and flavored with Lindt dark chocolate. A new creation from my kitchen. You can make them healthy by adding some Bournvita instead, for your kiddo. 

            The story behind the preparation goes like this. After cooking oats in milk, I thought why not add in some chocolate. So here you go. I added some leftover Lindt dark chocolate. It turned out some sort of a mix-n-match dessert. So thought of sharing this delicious concoction which surprisingly, turned out very yummy with just the right amount of sweetness for me. It is ideal for an after-meal dessert. So go ahead and give it a try and serve them chilled.

  • 3 cups milk
  • 1 cup oats
  • 1 tbsp. butter
  • 2-3 tbsp. grated chocolate (I used Lindt dark chocolate)
  • 3-4 tbsp. sugar or to taste 
  • 1/4 tsp. cardamom powder
  • 1 tsp. rose water
  • 1 tbsp. chopped pistachios
  • pinch of saffron & dry rose petals

         Melt butter in a pan. Add the oats and sauté till it is slightly browned. Add the milk, cardamom powder and sugar. 

         Mix everything well and simmer on a low flame till it is slightly thick in consistency. (It will further thicken when it cools down).

          Switch off the flame. Add the grated chocolate and rose water. Give it a stir till it is completely dissolved. Keep aside to cool down. Then refrigerate till serving time. 

          Spoon this chilled dessert in individual bowls / short glasses. Garnish with chopped pistachios, dry rose petals and saffron. Enjoy!!!!

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