Saturday 28 September 2019

Tamagoyaki (Japanese Rolled Omelette)

          Tamagoyaki is a Japanese style rolled omelette. So let me share a fusion style where I gave an Indian touch by adding some garam masala powder, cumin powder, red chili powder and other ingredients. I also used few seaweed sheets, but it is purely optional. 

          Enjoy it as a snack or as an appetizer with some soy sauce, tomato sauce or green chutney a la Indian style. So go ahead and try this fun way of making a rolled omelette by following a step by step pictorial recipe to prepare it.


         Tamagoyaki is typically prepared in a special rectangular pan. But in the absence of
         it, I had to use a regular round pan. They turned out real soft and delectable.

          These simple, easy and yummy omelets are generally served for breakfast or as a side dish in a Bento lunch box. You can substitute the nori sheets with any sliced veggies, cooked soya or slices of sautéed paneer if you wish.

              You may also try with shredded chicken, cooked keema / meat, sliced sausages, 
              salami for some more variations. So Good Luck!!!

  • 3 eggs, beaten & strained
  • few seaweed sheets
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 1/4 tsp. red chili powder
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 1 green chili, chopped
  • 1/2 tsp. ginger, grated
  • 1 tbsp. coriander leaves, chopped
  • 1/4 tsp. garam masala powder
  • 2 two pinches of roasted cumin powder
  • 1 tbsp. oil

          In a bowl, mix all the ingredients. Heat a pan and brush with some oil. Pour a ladleful of the egg mix and spread it evenly around the pan. Let it cook for a few seconds. Place few seaweed sheets (if using) and then roll it over into a shape of a log.

          Bring it to the centre of the pan and brush with some more oil. Now pour another ladleful of the egg mix and place seaweed sheets (opt). 

          Cook for only a few seconds, before rolling it over again. Pour a third ladleful of the egg mix and continue in this way till all the egg mix is finished. 

          Gently transfer the thick log of rolled omelette to a plate and let it cool for some time. Cut them into thick slices and serve with soy sauce, tomato sauce or any chutney if you wish. 

                       In a bowl, mix all the ingredients (except oil).

                      Heat a pan & brush with some oil. Pour a ladleful of egg mix & spread 
                      it evenly around the pan. Let it cook for a few seconds.

                       Place few seaweed sheets .....

                       & then roll it over into a shape of a log. Bring to the center of the pan 
                       and brush with some more oil. 

                        Now pour another ladleful of the egg mix.....

                       & place seaweed sheets (if using). Cook for only few seconds before 
                       rolling it over again. 

                     Again pour a third ladleful of the egg mix & continue in this way till all
                     the egg mix is finished. 

                         This is the final roll.

                      Gently transfer the thick log of rolled omelette to a plate & let it cool for 
                      some time. Cut them into thick slices.


                            Serve with soy sauce, tomato sauce or any chutney if you wish. 

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