Wednesday 3 July 2019

Mishti Chire Bhaja (Sweet Fried Beaten Rice)

          Chire Bhaja (Fried Beaten Rice / Poha) in general is a very popular Bengali snack. They can either be savoury or sweet. This is the latter version. It is very simple and a yummy snack. Just mix the fried beaten rice with some fresh grated coconut, mixed chopped nuts and some sugar. You are done and ready to savor it. For a healthier version, you can skip the sugar and add some raisins or chopped dates instead. So do give it a try and I'm sure you'll love it. 

           I have very fond memories regarding this particular recipe. As a child this snack was a regular feature in my house. My late mom would dish out this in a ziffy, especially as an evening snack whenever I used to have hunger pangs. So preparing this after ages. 

  • 1 cup beaten rice / Poha (I've used brown beaten rice)
  • 1/2 cup fresh grated coconut
  • 2 tbsp. sugar or to taste 
  • 1-2 tbsp. ghee
  • pinch of cardamom powder 
  • 1-2 tbsp. chopped nuts 

          Heat ghee in a pan and stir fry the beaten rice till they slightly brown in colour. Transfer to a mixing bowl. 

          Now add rest of the ingredients and give it a stir. Spoon them into individual bowls and enjoy as an evening snack, tea time snack or as and when desired. 

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