Saturday 2 March 2019

Stuffed Egg Paratha

          An easy and simple to make breakfast is waiting for you to relish. So go ahead and try this Stuffed Egg Parathas and enjoy with pickle, butter, chutney or yoghurt. I have added only salt and pepper to the egg stuffing. But you can go ahead and add any other spices or ingredients of your choice. Besides breakfast, they can also be served for brunch, after school snack or as a lunch box meal. 

  • 1 & 1/4 cup whole wheat flour
  • salt to taste
  • 1 tbsp. oil to knead 
  • 2 eggs, boiled & mashed
  • pinch of salt 
  • pinch of pepper powder
  • oil to shallow fry

          Knead a tight dough with flour, salt, oil and required quantity of water. Keep aside for 15 minutes. Mix the mashed egg with salt and pepper and keep aside.

          Divide the dough into six portions and the stuffing into three portions. Roll out each portion into a small poori by dusting some flour and keep them aside.

          Take one poori. Spread a portion of the egg mix evenly and cover with another poori. Dust some more flour and roll out into a bigger circle. Make similar stuffed parathas with the remaining dough and egg stuffing. 

          Heat a tawa and shallow fry the parathas, one at a time, on both sides by drizzling some oil over and around the edges. Fry till light brown in colour. Transfer to a serving plate and enjoy  with pickle, chutney, butter or yoghurt.

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