Monday 13 August 2018

Tofu Salami Bites

            These delicate small bites are so simple and easy to prepare. Great for a kids party or kids lunch box, they can also be served as appetizers, after-school snacks, tea-time snacks, etc. It can be dished out in a jiffy and satisfies your hunger pangs. You can go ahead and make use of any flavoured cheese spread, mayo or grated cheese instead. So check for an easy step by step pictorial recipe to prepare it.

  • 6 thick slices of Tofu
  • 3 slices of chicken salami
  • 2-3 tbsp. cream cheese
  • 1/2 cup chopped veggies (cucumber, onion & tomato)
  • 1 tbsp. chopped coriander leaves
  • 1/4 tsp. red chili flakes
  • 1-2 tbsp. oil

          Heat oil in a pan and toast the sliced tofu and salami separately. Drain and keep aside. Slice the salami into two pieces.

          To assemble - Spread a layer of the cream cheese over the toasted tofu. Place the sliced salami over it, followed by the chopped veggies, coriander leaves and chili flakes.

           Serve these delicate small bites as appetizers, snacks or as a tea-time snacks. 

                                               Heat oil in a pan and toast the sliced tofu.... 

                                          ...and salami separately. Drain and keep aside. 

                                  Spread a layer of the cream cheese over the toasted tofu. 

                                 Place sliced salami over it, followed by the chopped veggies, 
                                 coriander leaves and chili flakes.

                           Serve these small bites as appetizers, snacks or as tea-time snacks. 

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