Monday 5 March 2018

Candied Ginger Burfi (Indian Dessert)

          Burfi is one of the most popular sweets in India, especially in the Northern regions. It is a must in all festivals or any happy occasions. It is an Indian dessert typically prepared with milk solids or gram flour. It is also prepared with cashews, pistachios, etc. 

           But today let me share Burfi made out of some candied ginger. It was my first try and I must confess that it came out really yummy. So do give it a try by following the step by step pictorial recipe to prepare it. 

  • 1 & 1/2 cups candied ginger, powdered
  • 4 tbsp. ghee
  • 1/4 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1 cup milk
  • pinch of salt
  • 2-3 tbsp. sesame seeds, powdered
  • 2-3 tbsp. fresh grated coconut 
  • 2-3 milk pedas, crumbled 
  • 2-3 tbsp. milk powder
  • 1/4 tsp. cardamom powder
  • few drops of yellow food colour (opt)
  • 1 tbsp. chopped pistachios
  • 1 tbsp. raisins
  • 1 tsp. rose water
  • 2 tsp. sugar or as required
  • pinch of saffron
  • chopped nuts & dry rose petals to garnish

          Heat 1 tbsp. ghee and sauté the whole wheat flour for 1-2 minutes or till you get a nice aroma. Keep aside.

          Heat 2 tbsp. ghee and sauté the powdered ginger for 2 minutes on a low flame. Add the milk and salt and continue to simmer till dry.

           Add the powdered sesame seeds and coconut. Mix everything well. Now add the crumbled pedas, milk powder and cardamom powder. Mix well so that there are no lumps.

           Now it is time to add the pistachios, raisins, rose water and food colour followed by the sauteed whole wheat flour, remaining ghee, saffron and sugar.

          Combine everything well and sauté till the mixture leaves the sides of the pan and comes together into a lump. Switch off the flame and spread the mix on a greased plate. 

          Garnish with the nuts and rose petals. Press them gently and set aside to cool. Then cut them into desired shapes with a knife or a cookie cutter and relish as and when desired.

                                  Take 1 & 1/2 cups candied ginger.

                                  Powder them as shown.

                    Heat 1 tbsp. ghee & sauté whole wheat flour for 1-2 min. or till you get 
                    a nice aroma. Keep aside.

                   Heat 2 tbsp. ghee & sauté powdered ginger for 2 minutes on a low flame. 

                                  Add the milk and salt and continue to simmer till dry.

                              Add powdered sesame seeds & coconut. Mix everything well. 

                        Add crumbled pedas, milk powder & cardamom powder. Mix well so 
                        that there are no lumps.

                                Add pistachios, raisins, rose water * food colour followed by 

                    sautéed whole wheat flour, remaining ghee, saffron & sugar. Mix well &
                    sauté till the mixture comes together into a lump. Switch off the flame.

                      Spread the mix on a greased plate. Garnish with the nuts & rose petals.
                      Press them gently and set aside to cool. 

                                  Cut into desired shapes & relish as and when desired.

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