Wednesday 8 February 2017

Apple Crumble with Indian Flavour - Fusion Style

          Any leftover apples sitting in your fridge? Then dish out this simple, easy and yummy dessert - Apple Crumble with an Indian flavour.. I added cardamom powder and saffron instead of cinnamon powder and vanilla essence. It turned out simply amazing.

           I also used whole wheat flour instead of plain flour and was not too generous with sugar. So increase the quantity mentioned, accordingly. You can drizzle some homemade custard or rabri to the end product or enjoy with some ice-cream topping. So go ahead and indulge in this luxurious dessert by following a step by step pictorial recipe to prepare it.

  • 2-3 apples, chopped
  • 1/2 cup whole wheat flour (Atta)
  • 1/4 cup oats, lightly roasted
  • 2-3 tbsp. butter
  • 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp. sugar
  • 1/4 tsp. + 1 pinch cardamom powder
  • pinch of saffron
  • few sliced apples to garnish

          In a pan cook the apples, 2 tbsp. sugar, pinch of cardamom powder and 1/4 cup water for 2-3 minutes or till the apples turns slightly soft.

          In a bowl, mix together whole wheat flour, roasted oats, remaining sugar, remaining cardamom powder and butter with your fingertips till they resemble bread crumbs.

           Add the cooked apples in a baking dish and cover it with the crumbled flour-butter mix. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees C. for 20-25 minutes till the surface turns slightly brown.

          Garnish with the saffron and sliced apples. Serve this yummy dessert, hot, at room temperature or chilled.

                                  Chop apples into small pieces.

                  Cook apples, 2 tbsp. sugar, pinch of cardamom powder & 1/4 cup water for 
                  2-3 minutes or till apples turns slightly soft.

                             Mix flour, oats, remaining sugar, remaining cardamom powder 

                                 and butter 

                                 till they resemble bread crumbs.

                    Add cooked apples in a baking dish. Cover it with crumbled flour-butter mix. 

                             Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees C. for 20-25 minutes. 

                                 Bake till surface turns slightly brown.

               Garnish with saffron & sliced apples. Serve hot, at room temperature or chilled. 

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