Wednesday 28 December 2016

Dates Kheer / Pudding

          Today I would like to share this very easy, simple and a healthy Dates kheer recipe that I tried. It has very few ingredients and can be served as an after-meal dessert. Sugar may be adjusted depending on the sweetness desired. Lots of nuts, dry fruits and fresh fruits too can be added to make it more nutritious. So go ahead make this yummy dessert and enjoy with your family and friends.

  • 1 & 1/2  cups seedless dates, chopped
  • 4  cups milk
  • 2-3 tsp. sugar or to taste
  • 1/4 tsp. cardamom powder
  • 1 tsp. ghee
  • chopped almonds & pistachios to garnish

          Heat ghee in a pan and sauté the dates for a couple of minutes. Add the milk and pressure cook for 3 whistles. 

          (Alternately you can grind the dates coarsely, add it to the milk and boil till you get the desired consistency).

          Add the cardamom powder and sugar. Mix well till the sugar dissolves. Garnish with the chopped nuts and serve in individual bowls or as desired.


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