Sunday 21 February 2016

Stuffed Leftover Dal Paratha (Leftover Lentil Flat Bread)

          This is a great way to use any leftover dal. Such Parathas are not only healthy and wholesome, but they are very quick to make too. You can have them by just smearing some butter on the top or with any pickle, chutney, raita or yoghurt. 

          Anyway you relish them, they simply tastes awesome and satisfying for the fact that you were able to finish the dal in a great innovative way. So check out the step by step pictorial recipe to prepare it.

  • 1 & 1/4 cup atta (whole wheat flour)
  • 2 cups leftover cooked dal (lentil)
  • salt to taste
  • oil to shallow fry the parathas
  • yoghurt, butter or pickles to serve

          Simmer the dal in a non-stick pan on a low flame till it is reduced and turns into a lump. Keep aside to cool.

          Knead a dough with the atta, salt to taste and required quantity of water. Keep aside for 15-20 minutes.

          Divide the atta dough and the dal dough into 4 equal portions each. Roll out each portion of the atta dough in the shape of a poori. Place the dal dough in the centre and seal all the edges.

          Now sprinkle some flour over it and press it gently with your forefingers so that the stuffing inside is evenly spread.

          Roll out into a bigger circle. Make similar stuffed parathas with the remaining atta and dal dough.

          Heat a tawa and shallow fry the stuffed parathas one at a time on both sides by drizzling some oil over it and around the edges.

          Fry till light golden brown. Fry the remaining parathas too in the similar way and serve them hot with yoghurt, pickles or butter.

                                  Simmer dal till it is reduced & ....

                                  ...turns into a lump.

                                  Keep aside to cool.

                                 Divide atta dough & the dal dough into 4 equal portions.

                    Roll out each portion of the atta dough into a small poori. Place a portion
                    of the dal dough in the centre.

                                  Bring all edges together.

                                 And close it.

                   Dust some flour over it & press with your forefingers to evenly spread the
                   stuffing inside.

                                  Roll out into a bigger circle.

                                 Shallow fry on both sides by drizzling some oil.

                                  Serve them hot with yoghurt, pickles or butter.

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