Sunday 28 June 2015

Beguni (Batter Fried Eggplant - Bengali Style)

          These batter fried Beguni or Eggplant Fry are very commonly prepared in most of the Bengali homes and is also a very popular street food in Kolkata. They go very well as a side dish with khichdi, pulao or dal-rice. 

          They can also be relished as a tea-time snack or as appetizers with tomato sauce, mayo or any chutney. The options are plenty. So here is my version of this yummy and crispy fritters that tastes simply divine on any rainy day in particular with your loved ones. So check out the step by step pictorial recipe to prepare it.

  • 3-4 long & broad eggplants, sliced to 1/2 " thickness
  • salt to taste
  • 1/4 tsp. turmeric powder
  • 3/4 cup besan (gram flour)
  • 1/2 tsp. kalonji (nigella seeds)
  • 1 tsp. ginger, grated
  • 1/4 tsp. baking soda
  • 1-2 green chilies, finely chopped
  • 1 tbsp. onion, finely chopped (opt)
  • oil to deep fry

          Marinate the eggplants with salt and half the turmeric powder for 10 minutes. Make a batter of pouring consistency with the besan and all the other ingredients (except oil) with required quantity of water.

          Heat oil in a pan. Dip the eggplants in the batter few at a time and deep fry till golden in colour. Drain on a kitchen towel and serve hot along with khichuri (khichdi), tomato sauce or chutney.

                     Marinate eggplants with salt & half the turmeric powder for 10 minutes.
                     Make batter of pouring consistency with besan and all ingredients (except 
                     oil) with required quantity of water.

                      Heat oil. Dip eggplants in batter & deep fry till golden in colour. Drain 
                      on a kitchen towel.

Serve hot along with khichuri (khichdi), tomato sauce or chutney.

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