Saturday 14 February 2015

Grilled Fish (In Microwave)

          To all the fish lovers, here is an absolutely healthy and an easy fish grilled in a microwave. This delicious fish can be served as an appetizer to any meal. Do not forget to sprinkle some fresh lemon juice and some pepper / red chili  powder over it. 

          If had with some salad as an accompaniment, serves as a complete meal. It is a great alternative to any deep fried fish. In this recipe I have used Rohu fish, but any fish can be tried in the same method.

  • 4 pieces of Rohu fish
  • salt to taste
  • 1/4 tsp. turmeric powder
  • 1 tbsp. kashmiri red chili powder
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • juice of 1/2 lime
  • oil for basting

          Marinate the fish with salt, turmeric powder, red chili powder, lime juice and olive oil for 3-4 hours.

          Carefully place the marinated fish on a greased microwave high rack. Transfer this in the microwave and place a drip tray underneath to collect the juice.

          Grill for 25 minutes turning halfway and basting with oil. When done, let it stand for 5 more minutes inside the microwave. Serve with a sprinkle of lemon juice.

                    Marinate fish with salt, turmeric powder, red chili powder, lime juice &
                    olive oil for 3-4 hours.

                  Place marinated fish on a greased microwave high rack. Transfer this in 
                  the microwave and place a drip tray underneath. Grill for 25 min. turning
                  halfway & basting with oil. 

                               Serve with a sprinkle of lemon juice.

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