Sunday 26 October 2014

Cucumber Salad with Chickpeas & Parsely

          This is a very simple and an easy salad which is light on the stomach. It can easily be dished out in a jiffy as all the ingredients are easily available in the kitchen. The addition of cucumber gives a very crunchy effect to the salad and is a provider of vitamins, iron and calcium. 

          On the other hand, black chana (chickpeas) provides dietary fibre, thus is less in cholesterol. Parsley, too is a rich source of vitamins and is an antioxidant. Hence, to sum up this is a very healthy and a nutritious salad. You can play around with the dressing by giving it a twist each time you serve this salad.

  • 1 cucumber, sliced
  • 1/2 cup black chana (chickpeas), boiled
  • handful of parsley, chopped
  • salt taste
  • pinch of red chili powder
  • 1 tbsp. lime juice

          In a bowl combine together the cucumber, chana and parsley. Just before serving, garnish with salt, red chili powder and lime juice and serve as a light dinner.

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